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Yankee Doodles Net Independence Day

    Independence Day Around the World
    Danish Independence Day

    In Denmark's Rebild National Park there is the scene of an Annual Independence Day celebration that is held in honor of the America's Independence Day. Land for the park, in the northernmost Jutland, was presented to the nation of Denmark by an association of Danish Americans in 1912. Ever since this date there are hundreds of thousands from both sides of the Atlantic gather to admire the stars and stripes fluttering alongside the Danish flag called Danneborg flag. Independence Day concerts at the park feature Danish and American music.

    On July 3, Aalborg kicks off its celebration by electing an American mayor-for-a-day, who joins the Independence Day parade, which includes musicians in Danish folk costume, marchers in courtly garb and Danish born Americans dress in full Sioux regatta, feathered headdresses and all.

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